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Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer in men. The good news is, it is easy to treat and manage when caught early. Learn more about prostate cancer including risk factors and possible symptoms.

Prostate Cancer Facts


Prostate cancer is the second most common form of cancer in men. There an estimated 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed every year in the United States. Most cases are found in men over 65. Prostate cancer is typically slow growing and if caught early is usually treatable. Prostate cancer claims the lives of approximately 28,000 men annually however, there are over 3 million men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer that are still alive today.


What is prostate cancer?

Cancer is a disease that causes the body’s cells to grow and divide at uncontrolled rates. Prostate cancer is cancer of the prostate, a reproductive organ below the Bladder about the size of a walnut that produces semen.

Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer

-Age- Men over the age of 60 are at a substantially higher risk prostate cancer

-Family History- Men with an immediate family member (father, brother or son) who was disgnosed with prostate cancer are between two to three times more likely to develop prostate cancer

-Race- Black men are at the highest risk of developing prostate cancer


Prostate Cancer Symptoms

In its early stages prostate cancer shows almost no symptoms which is why it’s important to get checked by your physician regularly. As the cancer grows symptoms can include:

-Problems urinating (slow stream or frequent urination during the night)

-Blood in your urine

-Trouble getting an erection

-Pain in the hips, back or chest

-Weakness, numbness or tingling in the legs and feet


These symptoms can also point to several other diseases. If you experience these symptoms contact your doctor immediately to identify the cause and determine a course of treatment.

Treating Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer treatments vary on a case by case basis and can include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, cryosurgery and others. The right course of treatment depends on age and how advanced the cancer is. Be sure to discuss your treatment options with your doctor so you can agree on the right course of treatment for you.

Recovering from Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer can recur, even years later, so be sure to see your doctor regularly and closely monitor any symptoms.

American Cancer Society
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Prostate Cancer Foundation