Gay Lifestyle Center
AdamMale Blog
Sometimes our desire to amuse each other around the office leads to good, ~interesting~ ideas! Here's the result 9 classic horror movie posters where a key element was replaced with a sex toy.
I really don’t know how this got started around the office. Maybe a joke. But we like men and crafting so why not put gay porn stars on cross stitch patterns? And they turned out pretty well. We hope you love them as much as we do.
Whether you’ve tried online dating or not we’ve all seen the sleazy and downright nasty “pick-up lines” I’m talking about. We picked the worst of the worst and put them on figurines from the 70s to mitigate the shock a little.
You’ve heard of the chapstick challenge. Someone puts flavored chapstick on and kisses another person and they have to guess the flavor. Well Nick Laws and Ryan Minaj are taking it a step further by guessing what flavor lube the other put on their hand. Oh and if they get it wrong they get shocked.
I think we have enough Disney princesses, what we really need is more gamymers. We teamed up with artist Reed Black to bring you five classic fairy tales with a twist. They are reimagined using gaymers instead of traditional princes and princesses.